Valley of the Mills (Údolí mlýnků) in Jáchymov, Czechia

People take a lot of strange things to nature, so why not miniature water mills? There are several dozen of them along a small mountain stream with an ideal slope, and they are constantly replaced by new ones.

Mills are made from a variety of materials such as iron, wood, plastic, ceramic or even electrical printed circuit boards, and some also make sounds.

In the Czech Republic, large water mills were once used to grind grain flour, while mechanical energy was obtained using large wooden wheels. Over time, they were replaced by more modern technology, but the nostalgia for traditional mills remains and is reflected in contemporary folk creativity.

Are you creative? Create and bring your own handmade miniature watermill to be a part of this extraordinary place. There are no limits to imagination if it is spun using water as kinetic art. Sometimes even an airplane appears, whose propellers are powered by water.

Every mills can break down over time, so don’t hesitate to try to fix it yourself using the spare parts lying around! Put the mill wheel into action, find a better place in the stream, create a strong rush of water and give the broken change a new life full of more spinning. Did a mill break into several pieces? No problem, create a functional assemblage! But don’t take anything away, because every seemingly waste piece can be used by other people to repair.

In May, the event “Opening the mills” takes place every year, during which people bring new mills and repair the old ones.

The place can be visited even at night with a flashlight. As you approach, you will hear the clinking and splashing of water.

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